Enchanted Sea Images provides you with a variety of destination video footage for you to use in promotional advertisements, documentaries or for educational use. Whether your interest lies in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Ocean or the Caribbean, we will likely have footage that fits your needs.
We can also organize video footage by animal, fish, coral or other topics. If you need a clip of a particular underwater creature, then check with us and we will provide you with an inventory list of the footage you are seeking.
Besides his own extensive experience in shooting underwater video all over the world, David Prichard has also learned the art of underwater videography from the seminars and classes of such industry leaders as Jim Church, Wes Skiles, Marty Snyderman, James Wing, Bob Talbot and many others. As a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, David shares his experience in this fascinating field by teaching courses in underwater videography and photography.