Enchanted Sea Images provides creative professionals with a wide selection of underwater and topside images. We offer rights managed and royalty free stock photography licenses for our stock image collections as well as quality archival prints.
The Image Galleries provide a sample from the underwater photography collections. For underwater assignments and stock images or more information on a specific image, please contact us.
Commercial Rates:
For commercial use by a non-profit, educational, or for-profit organization, a license will be issued, but we retain the copyright for the image.
Licensing fees take into account the following:
- Type of use – e.g. technical, educational
editorial, marketing - Image size in publication – single spot use, 1/4
page, 1/2 page, full page or major illustration,
front cover, back cover - Publication type – magazine, book, poster, newsletter, newspaper
- Print run or distribution number
- Publication language
- Publication form – hardcopy, electronic, other
- Length of time
For a quote, please contact us with the above information.
Once the terms and licensing fee have been agreed upon, we will forward a watermarked image for your inspection. The license and clean image is issued upon receipt of the license payment.
Our permission is required prior to use of any of our images for any purpose.
Prints may be ordered on-line from the Image Galleries.